gitlabctl get groups
List groups and subgroups
List groups and subgroups
gitlabctl get groups [flags]
# list all groups
gitlabctl get groups
# list all subgroups of GroupX
gitlabctl get groups --from-group=GroupX
--all-available Show all the groups you have access to (defaults to false for authenticated users, true for admin)
-G, --from-group string Use a group as the target namespace when performing the command
-h, --help help for groups
--order-by string Order groups by name or path. Default is name (default "name")
--owned Limit to resources owned by the current user
--search string Return the list of resources matching the search criteria
--sort string Order resources in asc or desc order. Default is asc (default "asc")
--statistics Include resource statistics (admins only)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.gitlabctl.yaml)
-o, --out string Print the command output to the desired format. (json, yaml, simple) (default "simple")
--page int Page of results to retrieve
--per-page int The number of results to include per page
- gitlabctl get - Get Gitlab resources