
Cross platform Gitlab management cli written in Go. Download the executable with no dependencies!

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gitlabctl get members

List all members of a group or a project


List all members of a group or a project

gitlabctl get members [flags]


# list all members of a groups
gitlabctl get members --from-group Group1

# list all members of a project
gitlabctl get members --from-project Group1/Project1


  -G, --from-group string     Use a group as the target namespace when performing the command
  -P, --from-project string   Use a project as the target namespace when performing the command
  -h, --help                  help for members
  -q, --query string          A query string to search for members(defaults to blank)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.gitlabctl.yaml)
  -o, --out string      Print the command output to the desired format. (json, yaml, simple) (default "simple")
      --page int        Page of results to retrieve
      --per-page int    The number of results to include per page